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The Rose Southeast
12700 N. Featherwood, Suite 260
Houston, Texas 77034
The Rose Galleria
6575 West Loop South, Suite 275
Bellaire, Texas 77401
The Rose is a non-profit breast cancer clinic founded by Dorothy Weston Gibbons and Dr. Dixie Melillo. They sought out to reduce deaths from breast cancer through screening and access to treatment regardless of the ability to pay. The Rose was the first non-profit organization based on the insured covering the uninsured, allowing for everyone to receive the quality breast care that they deserve.

2022 Check Presentation
Let's Talk About Your Breast - Podcast

Let's Talk About Your Breast is a new podcast brought to you by The Rose.
Dorothy Gibbons, CEO and Cofounder, hosts various guests, from doctors, donors, employees, and breast cancer survivors, to discuss all aspects of breast cancer and how it affects the community around us.
Listen on your preferred podcast platform today
To hear from JFTR President Marian Sparks listen to episode: The Survivor who Jumps out of Planes to Raise Money for Th Rose